LearnWorlds and Thinkific are both common examples of popular platforms for course creators. You must have a solid understanding of the similarities and differences between these two choices, whether you have just started with your course creation journey or want to try an online course platform for designing, marketing, and offering your courses.
If you want to provide a fantastic learning environment for your students and cultivate paying clients who are devoted to your brand, you need to select the appropriate platform for your online course. Both LearnWorlds and Thinkific are excellent choices; however, selecting the one that best meets your requirements can be challenging.
So, without further ado, let’s go into the battle of the Titans between Learnworlds vs. Kajabi, two online learning platforms.
Comprehensive Guide: LearnWorld Review.
LearnWorlds vs. Thinkific in a Nutshell
When it comes to hosting, managing, and monetizing online courses, LearnWorlds is your best bet. Compared to Thinkific, it provides more options for branding and customizing to fit your company’s needs and is superior in all aspects of online learning.
The free version of Thinkific only allows for simple quizzes and tasks. In comparison, the premium versions offer much more, such as access from mobile devices, community features, graded assessments, and translation between languages.
LearnWorlds is the preferred LMS of leading course developers, committed teachers, and businesses looking for maximum customization options.
In this article, we will compare LearnWorlds and Thinkific, two of our favorite online learning systems, so you can decide which is ideal for you. We are familiar with how they operate because we have created dozens of courses for clients utilizing any of these platforms.
So, let’s get right to it and compare Thinkific with LearnWorlds to see which platform is better.
Course Creation
We will begin by contrasting the tools available for creating courses on each system. We’ll cover usability, process intuitiveness, and more.
LearnWorlds is the place to be if you want to create intricate, in-depth courses.
By serving a broad range of users, from sole proprietors to large businesses, the product aims to become the industry standard in course creation software.
I can confidently tell that LearnWorlds offers a top-tier alternative for developing your courses based on my experience using various course design platforms.
The platform provides tools for a thorough course creation process, which advanced users would value, as shown in the video.
Thinkific’s primary selling point is its simplicity of usage. The platform’s drag-and-drop course builder is straightforward yet powerful, making it suitable for users with no coding or web design background.
Course designers who seek a no-fuss platform to build course pages, interactive lessons, online school websites, etc., will find Thinkific an ideal solution.
You’ll have access to highly optimized prebuilt themes, free video hosting, and a wide range of integration options to help you build a world-class e-learning environment.
Winner: LearnWorlds
The LearnWorlds interface can be daunting for new users, but the learning curve is very short, and the platform’s adaptability in helping you create online courses that meet your specific needs is well worth the effort.
Course Marketing
No matter how good your online course is, you need a solid marketing strategy and tools. Let’s compare these solutions’ marketing and automation features.
Promote your online school in a variety of ways on LearnWorlds. You can quickly market and sell your course with the platform’s various features, such as global and local gateways, SEO-friendly pages, discounts, memberships, and 1-click sales funnels.
As your online school or business expands, you’ll need a robust ecosystem of marketing and sales tools, and LearnWorlds’ extensive integration options will help you create and manage it.
LearnWorlds, in contrast to Thinkific, allows you to integrate your online learning website regardless of which plan you subscribe to, while Thinkific’s premium integrations, like active campaign and Zapier, are only available on the Growth add-on, an additional “plan” you sign up for in addition to your actual subscription.
From planning to execution, Thinkific’s marketing tools are second to none. After creating your course, you can use the Affiliate Center to attract an army of affiliates to promote it. Controlling and rewarding them is a breeze using your dashboard. You may keep tabs on affiliates and incentivize them by offering different payment structures.
Email marketing platforms like MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, and Constant Contact may integrate with Thinkific. With Zapier, you can automate connecting to more than a thousand different sales, marketing, and process management tools.
You can fine-tune your campaigns in real-time with tools like Facebook and Google ads using audience analytics, ad monitoring, and thorough data tracking.
Winner: LearnWorlds
LearnWorlds is superior to Thinkific since it allows premium integrations with third-party apps on even the most basic memberships.
This raises the price for new users who don’t need all Thinkific’s bells and whistles.
Course Customization
To design a beautiful online course, you need to have a lot of customization options. Websites for online colleges and courses are personalized by Thinkific and LearnWorlds.
Creating a professional school or course website that increases brand awareness and conversions is simple with LearnWorlds’ templates.
The user-friendly course builder can be used to create interactive courses. Upload unfinished material and use the platform’s features to highlight it. Including interactive elements in movies, books, PDFs, etc, is possible.
To engage students, create numerous exams and automatically gather transcripts. You get live Zoom classrooms, quizzes, interactive ebooks and videos, automatic video transcription, and more to personalize your online course.
Many prebuilt, mobile-responsive, and optimized course templates are available from Thinkific.
When creating a course, you don’t have to start from scratch; you can alter everything from the fonts and colors to the layouts and design. This makes sure that your program is unique and aligns with your brand.
The platform’s ease of customization improves its capacity to adapt to specific needs. You only need to drag and drop the elements onto the page to arrange your content.
Interactive courses can be created by combining media such as videos, images, quizzes, and other elements within a preset layout.
Winner: LearnWorlds
LearnWorlds may be superior to Thinkific because of its extensive course development features, including interactive videos, game vacation, and support for SCORM files.
Data Analytics
With the right data analytics tools, you can monitor your progress and get insightful knowledge on staying ahead of the competition.
LearnWorlds’ detailed student activity and course completion statistics make staying on top of students’ progress easy.
Conversion monitoring lets you watch Google and Facebook advertising from one place.
To improve business management, use the platform’s reports and insights for data-driven decision-making.
From your control panel, you can easily see:
- Gain insight into your audience’s engagement with content with access to detailed activity logs.
- User segmentation reveals content consumption habits.
- Reporting automation for boundless commercial prospects
- Valuable insights from courses to improve e-learning materials
Thinkific offers granular, comprehensible analytics. The status of any student can be checked using filters.
There are options for data export, thorough segmentation, Facebook integration, Google Ads integration, and other marketing platforms.
Additionally, the platform offers a wealth of growth and cohort reporting tools to monitor everything and expand your business from your dashboard.
Winner: Thinkific
Though it’s close, Thinkific wins because of its more advanced analytics options that make data easy to read and understand. This lets everyone learn from their reports.
Methods to Improve Learning and Retention
Student feedback is crucial to online course success. Each service allows you to create a new instructional environment.
LearnWorlds offers as many if not more, educational benefits. You can add quizzes, exams, tests, and assignments throughout.
You may also add certificates to every portion of your courses; even at the lowest price, you can drip content to students and use the built-in community.
Among the many benefits of using this platform are:
- Multilingual user interface
- Learner analytics
- Mobile Friendly
- Built-in social network
- Interactive ebooks & video
- Customizing fonts
- Learner profiles
Thinkific’s free plan includes the capacity to assign tasks and administer tests. Some more expensive plans offer completion certificates.
The Growth plan includes premium tools like timed and graded tests. A course community can be created using Pro.
In addition, you gain access to the following tools that can enhance your study sessions:
- Custom student dashboard
- Full-fledged membership portal
- Language Translation
- Personalized or White-labeled URLs
- customizable course completion page
Winner: LearnWorlds
LearnWorlds triumphs over Thinkific because of its cheaper credentials and community-building options.
Creating a safe environment for your online course is essential. Fortunately, both Thinkific and LearnWorlds take the safety of your information and payments very seriously.
Your institution’s data is protected by regular updates, independent database storage, and tight client data regulations; LearnWorlds’ website protects your personal information and financial activities.
The platform uses HTTPS, password salting and hashing, and secure data storage to encrypt all connections between your online course website and the user’s browser.
The website receives regular security updates and has free SSL certificates pre-installed. Secure cloud hosting ensures your data is safe at all times. Frequent automated backups additionally protect the information stored on the platform.
To further ensure the safety of your data, Thinkific has a security team that keeps a constant eye on the site.
Winner: Draw
We’ll call it a tie because both systems provide top-notch security and reliability.
If you’re a beginner designing an online course, use a platform with good customer service. Both platforms function well but with some significant distinctions.
The website’s extensive support section has more than 400 pages of free resources to make the most of your LearnWorlds institution, including manuals, checklists, how-to guides, and video lessons.
The Premium email assistance is available round-the-clock. LearnWorlds Academy provides training in the development, promotion, and monetization of online courses for those with no experience in the field.
LearnWorlds provides a variety of assistance methods, just like its rivals. The standard subscription includes unlimited email support. Participate in daily webinars to get familiar with the site and learn how to raise your concerns.
Thinkific’s proactive help solves problems swiftly. Email the support team for a speedy, customized response. If you need help building your knowledge business, Thinkific’s email and phone support is vital.
Live chat is available if you upgrade to a paid service. Try searching the site’s knowledge base for how-to instructions and tutorials.
Winner: Thinkific
Thinkific comes out on top because it offers phone and email assistance with its free plan and prioritized chat support with its paid tiers.
Find out how Thinkific and LearnWorlds stack up against one another regarding membership costs, transaction fees, and more.
LearnWorlds offers an array of price plans tailored to meet the needs of various consumers.
In addition to having no transaction costs and 20% savings for yearly payments, the platform offers a free trial and a 30-day satisfaction guarantee on all programs.
- Starter Plan at $29/month – This plan is ideal for beginner coursemakers and provides basic functionality.
- Pro Trainer Plan at $85/month – Professional trainers can use this plan’s Starter features plus unlimited courses, landing pages, admins/instructors, and pop-ups.
- Learning Center Plan at $255/month – LearnWorlds’ flagship subscription. It has full white-label customization, support for bulk user activities, and a maximum of 20 administrators or teachers.
- Learning Center + Mobile App at $509/Mo – Training on the Go
- Free Plan – Using the platform and understanding how it works is excellent. Access to 1,000 students, 1 admin, 1 community, and 1 course
- BASIC at $36/mo – Ideal for growing online schools. This plan covers all Free plan features for 10 courses, 1 community, 1 administrator, and 2,500 students.
- START at $74/mo – Ideal for medium-sized online schools. This plan offers 25 courses, 3 communities, 2 administrators, 5,000 students, and phone/email assistance like the Start plan.
- GROW at $149/mo – Ideal for large online schools. This package offers 75 courses, 10 communities, 5 administrators, 10,000 students, and priority phone assistance with all Grow plan features.
Note – 20% Discount on Thinkific Annual billing.
Winner: Draw
Both options allow users to start with little to no financial risk and then scale up as their businesses grow.
Conclusion: Learnworlds vs. Thinkific – Which is Best?
Both Thinkific and LearnWorlds are excellent platforms; however, LearnWorlds has superior features for well-known course creators. If you’re just starting out in online education and are looking for a free course development solution, Thinkific is a fantastic choice.
The competition was fierce, but LearnWorlds and Thinkific provided a complete solution for their respective audiences.
LearnWorlds‘ examinations, question banks, SCORM compliance, and advanced customization benefit large online schools and educators with high course-building requirements.
Thinkific, on the other hand, is a simple course builder with potent marketing features that can help solopreneurs and small online businesses attract more clients or students.
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