How to Unlock the Home Screen Layout on Samsung

This article will show you how to lock the home screen on a Samsung device using either of its two methods.

Quick Guide to How to Unlock the Samsung Home Screen Layout

  1. You can access Settings by pressing and holding the home button for a while, where you’ll see a Lock and Unlock Home screen option.
  2. The option to lock the home screen is in the Home Screen Settings area of the settings menu.

Repeat the previous steps to unlock the home screen and turn off the Lock Home Screen.

How to Lock the Home Screen Layout using setting

How to Lock Home Screen Layout Through Settings

As an additional security measure, you can lock the home screen design by accessing Settings, which is typically located in the notification shade.

  • The notification opacity can be lowered by swiping down.
  • Choose the setting option.
  • Choose the Home icon.
  • Choose the toggle Lock Home Screen Layout.

How to lock the layout of the Home screen

How to Lock Home Screen Layout

  • Long click on an empty space on the Home screen
  • Go to setting
  • Click the toggle lock home screen layout

Why should one lock the home screen layout?

A home screen lock has been available since Android Pie. In other words, Samsung isn’t the only one offering this feature. Some other launchers and OEM skins offer this functionality as well. It can prevent you from resizing widgets, dragging icons around the screen, and more.

You wish to prevent accidental changes to your home screen by locking the current arrangement of icons. Unfortunately, widgets aren’t always trustworthy, and they’re often easy to resize, which can mess up your entire arrangement. Finally, it’s annoying to try to locate an icon that doesn’t exist. Locking your home screen can avoid this.

When you lock the home screen layout, all your home screens, not just the first or default one, are inaccessible to adjustments. In spite of this lock, you may still swipe between home screens. However, new app icons will not be displayed on the home screen. Your home screen will remain unchanged until you enter the correct password.

While the home screen is locked, you can’t alter its appearance. Long-pressing one symbol causes the other tap targets to fade out of view. In order to access the settings menu, you’ll be prompted to disable the lock screen if you try to make any modifications.

Guide on how to Unlock the Home screen.

When it comes to unlocking your phone’s home screen, all brands play it using the same set of rules. You can access the settings menu by either pressing and holding the home screen for a few seconds, which will bring up a secondary menu where you can select Settings or by pulling down the notifications menu and selecting Settings > Home screen from the submenu that emerges. If you go to the Settings menu, you’ll see a toggle labeled “Lock Home screen layout.” Clicking that will turn off the feature. At this point, you are free to make whatever changes you see fit.

Locking and unlocking your Samsung phone is an easy operation that may make you feel safer. In this way, you might be able to lessen the amount of disruption in your life.

Further Read: How To Stop My Android Phone From Sending Duplicate Text Messages

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